What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a recognised system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. Emphasis is placed on the structure and function of the body working together to ensure the body runs smoothly.
Mechanical musculoskeletal faults can occur due to injury, illness, stress, poor posture and many other factors. These faults or injuries can be held in the body long after the trauma or stress and can build gradually over time in repetitive stress injuries. If these problems are left untreated it can allow the initial problem to worsen and cause compensatory strains or persistent pain.
Osteopaths evaluate the balance of the mechanical functioning of the body against the daily demands placed on it. We use a holistic approach to find the root of the problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. In most cases it is not just a muscle or joint injury, as these structures are all closely linked. If one part of the body is restricted then the rest of the body must react and compensate, which can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health problems. Osteopaths aim to free the restrictions and assist the body in reducing pain and stress, giving the body an opportunity to heal itself.
What do Osteopaths do?
Osteopaths use touch and hands on techniques including manipulation, stretching and tissue massage to improve joint mobility, relax muscle tension, and improve blood and nerve supply to tissues, with the aim to aid your body’s natural healing mechanisms. We offer a hands on treatment and follow up advice to improve recovery and prevent symptoms returning. Treatment is tailored to the individual and is suitable for all ages. There is also a large area of Osteopathy dedicated to pre and post natal care, newborns and sporting injuries.

Annie Jinks is extremely knowledgable of the anatomy and gave me great confidence in her diagnosis of my condition. She is extremely good at explaining what is wrong and great at advising on how to treat the condition. She is very skilled at drawing diagrams, and demonstrating how the exercises should be performed. Annie is extremely caring and sensitive, whilst being very professional too. I would definitely go back for further treatment and also recommend her.
Sally Lock

Are there different types of treatment?
Osteopaths utilise a range of techniques including physical manipulation, stretching and massage, and other gentle techniques such as cranial. These are all taught at undergraduate level. Cranial techniques are safe, gentle, and non-manipulative. They are often used when treating young children and newborn infants.
Why choose Lower Earley Osteopaths?
We pride ourselves on patient care having been established since 1998. Following a detailed medical history and thorough examination process we establish the cause of the problem and a diagnosis is made. At Lower Earley Osteopaths we discuss and create a personal treatment plan, designed to treat your individual needs. We encourage you to ask as many questions as you like at any stage of the treatment.
You will be given advice and exercises, many of which have videos as shown on our treatment advice page. A combination of treatment and advice aims to reduce the symptoms, restore function and remove any mechanical imbalances preventing healing, which reduces risk of a re-occurring complaint. We keep open communication with our patients and are happy to offer advice outside of the treatment via phone or email, we care about your recovery.
Osteopaths are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council and are require by law to renew their registration each year; proving current professional indemnity insurance and proof of mandatory continuing professional development. Patients may be referred by a doctor or seek treatment themselves independently.

Amazing, Emma combines experience and fresh ideas with a warm welcome. I have been going for 10 years now and they always provide pain relief for my ongoing health problems, they are now good friends too Highly recommended!
Nicky Gentle